An amazing start to 2018! with.......

An exciting equine collaboration….

……..with The British Grooms Association on their Grooms Minds project’s Action Plan, responding to a recent member survey seeing a call to raise mental health awareness and support within the profession. I’m very privileged to be part of BGA’s excellent work and it involves many of my passions to boot!

An ‘across the pond’ connection!....

…..and honoured to join Sigmends Open Council, leaders who support openness around brain and mental conditions, where OpenLabs works to transform workplace culture and attitudes.

‘£99 billion pot of gold’…….

…….The Advocacy Partnership’s innovative business model for delivering employee mental wellness as a core business asset, where I’ve been privileged to act as an advisor.

Mental Health - A Little More Conversation

2 March 2017, The Institute of Directors launched a mental health in the workplace campaign, with the publication of the report 'A Little More Conversation'.

The IoD is committed to raising awareness of mental health issues in the workplace, with a particular focus on opening up the conversation for small- and medium-sized businesses, which often lack the resources of larger corporate organisations to address their employees’ mental health.

An Attitude of Mind

Managing mental health issues in the workplace
Hosted by Linklaters - London
8th September 2016 | 2:30pm - 6:30pm

In 2013, a National Union of Students study found that one in five students considered themselves to have a mental health problem. These students are bright, hard working and ambitious. In order for them to succeed, employers must be able to provide the support they require to flourish in the tough environments that they will invariably face. 

To find out more, please click here.