Inspirational Speaker

Just because individuals can't see a way forward, doesn't mean it's not there. Sometimes they just need encouraging, inspiring and a helping hand. 

I speak very candidly about my depression, the underlying causes, my attempts to take my own life and my (in my view) miraculous recovery and transformation thanks to my counsellor all those years ago. That still amazes and humbles me.

Of course, everyone’s experience is unique and, for many, depression is something that’s managed on a daily basis.  My reason for speaking about my experiences is simply because I want others to avoid, wherever possible, what I experienced. I’d like them to also see and hear that there is, I am, living proof that recovery is possible; helping hands do exist.

I speak very openly too about my professional experiences; my career, its challenges, setbacks and successes, my life choices, ‘light bulb’ moments, and ‘hints and tips’ for not only surviving in demanding, highly pressurised, dynamic environments and today’s time-poor world, but thriving, flourishing, achieving and being successful. I also speak as a mental health champion, coach and activist to organisations, employee/student resource groups and any interested parties, to raise disability and mental health confidence to individuals, businesses, the workplace and education facilities.

Your story was at times difficult to hear, but just unbelievably powerful and you were able to provide some really fundamental takeaways for our colleagues across the bank. It very much had the desired outcome, people starting to talk, people starting to care.
— Analyst, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, London, 15.10.18.
You’ve been the personification of the saying ‘smooth seas don’t make for skilful sailors’. You’re always under pressure but maintain such calmness, positivity and time for everyone.
— Centre Manager BUPA, HSBC
I think your comments on today’s news story were very brave and will have made a huge difference to many people whether or not they have experienced mental health problems – well done.
— Global Co-Head FIG, HSBC
I was in tears at the back of the room hearing your story. At last there was someone who’d felt as I do. I will make a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.
— Operations Assistant, HSBC