Reflections: Personal Injury

…mental health vulnerability and fortitude.

I recently had an accident. Nothing broken but seriously injured. Couldn’t walk. Excruciating pain. Completely incapacitated. Marooned downstairs as stairs impossible. Crawled through gritted teeth, dragging injured leg for the most essential things. Estimated recovery 6-8 weeks. Fed up after only 3.  

So what? readers may think. Well, I’m sharing to simply raise awareness how easy slipping/sliding down the #mentalhealth continuum towards poor mental health could be.

My work includes encouraging people to look after their mental health as they do their physical health; understand their co-dependency; spot physiological, behaviour, mood, character etc etc changes; advocate preventative measures as well as curative; how the unforeseen can affect even those who claim “I’m not the type to have mental illness”.

Well, I lived what I advocate but still had several ‘bad days’.  If I wasn’t the self-aware person I am, with mental fortitude, bounceback-ability,  I believe things could’ve easily become more than ‘a bad day’.  Pain management, thinking and planning every single, simple, move was exhausting.  Isolated, immobile and alone for much of the day; my partner still had things to do. Beloved, well being activities impossible. My freedom compromised.

I’m a strong, independent person. I also know I’m many people’s go-to person yet, that doesn’t mean I’m always OK.  When roles reversed, where were my mine was interesting. Some friends ‘spotted’, sensed, or heard my 'brave face' and I wasn’t OK. Their kindness, support and help truly overwhelming. Same for people I didn’t know that well, blown away by their concern. Thank goodness for them all; for tech to keep in touch; the Olympics on TV, and a wonderful partner. I was disappointed too by others I thought close, who I sensed waited for their time /turn to talk rather than listen and hear me.

Anyway, a lived experience of how vulnerable – able to be hurt, physically, mentally, holistically – humans are, even tough ones! How conversations, keeping connected, simple #actsofkindness, kind words, #compassion and #encouragement; asking, asking twice even thrice how someone is, and meaning it!; properly listening; and for me, accepting help, kindness and one’s vulnerability (although that took some getting used to!) made the difference.

With #worldsuicidepreventionday and #worldmentalhealthday just passed, and #WorldKindnessDay next month,  I’m reminded of the phrase ‘just because we carry it [well], doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy’. We cannot see someone’s story, but we can always simply and genuinely ask #howareyou ? and, moreover, listen.