May 2021 - 5 years on - a personal reflection

From my new beginning after many years in finance, coincides with Mental Health Awareness Week 2021. I’m amazed at who I've worked with in this space, but disheartened too. Many like me, organisations too, have been working quietly and tirelessly in this space for years, for me since 2011. However, despite generally increased talking, awareness raising, in my observation, and opinion, little has significantly changed. Many organisations get it but don’t, can’t, won’t invest; invest more in reaction/curative rather than cause/preventative. Mental Health has become big business too. I get that – I’m ex business.

But, let’s remember that at heart of this are people. They matter. Their mental health matters ; it’s precious, often fragile; they may be struggling or worse. That’s why I’ll continue what I do, but right now, I need my happy place to re-charge.

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It’s official: A Culturescope Practitioner!

Awesome to achieve this!

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Exciting to learn about this astonishing data driven product backed by a 7-year research programme, from leading people analytics and behavioural science company, iPsychTec.

Moreover, given inextricable link between behaviours and mental health, and the ripple effect of that on business at all levels, eg performance, productivity, risk management, think what this ingenious diagnostic tool can do to ‘crack the culture code’ to create mental health and well-being confident workplaces especially in this new/post pandemic world. 

2020 – What a year.

Coronavirus scuppered plans and schedules. Yet, it turned out to be a great adventure for me as was fortunate to discover and learn about some brilliant new ideas and exciting innovations which align with what I have been doing for some time now – championing mental health matters on so many levels.

World Mental Health Day October 2020

Theme was ‘Mental Health for All; Greater Investment – Greater Access’.  I believe this is about self-investment too:  the ‘what do/can WE do as individuals’ kind. I have a 5-star point action plan : invest in self-development, knowledge, conversations, self-care, championing mentally healthy workplaces.  If we do, we'll have greater access to (internal and external) resources. My challenge is: what will YOU do, what actions will YOU take/make to invest in you mental health.

Riders Minds launched!


To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week 2020! Devising and writing its content, in close and passionate collaboration with Matt and Victoria Wright, and Lucy Katan has been another incredibly unbelievable and exciting opportunity to combine things so dear to my heart: people, mental health and equestrianism!  I hope it helps many.

SpeakUp Academy

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An inspirational group led by Kernan Manion and Animah Kosai, held its first ‘café’ and on Zoom too! I’m delighted to be part of this group that sparks conversations and shares experiences around speaking up on a variety of matters within organisations.

Interviewed by Lexology

An international legal updates, analysis and insights provider came on the back of my Navex appearance! The article, being published shortly, looks at the importance of creating healthy environments in order for whistleblower programmes to be effective. Another indicator that mental health is being considered in a more holistic rather than siloed way?